One Well… 1K+ Lives

The Water Projects Transforming Communities

Apapam Middle School Well

Education and Water

Safe accessible water sources not only affect hygiene and sanitation, but also education. In villages where women and children may spend hours every day retrieving water, the chore often prevents children from attending school. Waterborne diseases causing illness can also prevent children from attending school. Schools with accessible water sources have 30% higher attendance rate than schools without.

Well Construction

Kibi-Apapam Middle School had no nearby clean water sources before 2023. Well construction began in May and finished before the end of June. With the well’s completion, children are now able to attend school more often and are in far less danger of becoming infected with a waterborne disease. The well also provides water for over five thousand individuals from both Kibi-Apapam and surrounding villages.

Watch the video to learn more about the Apapam Middle School Well Construction.


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