One Well… 1K+ Lives

The Water Projects Transforming Communities

Lino’s Water Well


The king of Kibi-Apapam’s community stands next to their primary source. Every day, he tells Stephen, people come to the river to fetch water. Many of the women and children must travel up to thirty minutes carrying large, heavy buckets to the river. The water is collected downstream from where the herds of goats and other livestock drink.

During the rainy season, families place every bucket, pot, and bowl under the eaves to collect rainwater. The collected water is a much easier and cleaner alternative to the river. During the dry season however, the village may go months without rain.

Watch the video to learn more about Lino’s Well Construction.

Well Construction

On February 24, 2023, AED began construction in Kibi-Apapam. Partnering with Koyo Enterprises, a local water drilling company, they planned to drill over 30 meters into the ground. The drilling process lasted only a day, and the well was completed within two weeks. The king held a parade and ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 2, 2023. The well was named Lino’s well in honor of Lino Garriz and the donations on his behalf. Today, thousands of people from Kibi-Apapam and surrounding villages walk daily to this well to collect safe, clean water.


River Water
Drilling Begins

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